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Перевод Примеры
Где хотенье, там и уменье. Была бы охота- заладится любая работа. Как человек чего захочет, так он о том и похлопочет.

"Still, you can 1earn to do something else, you know. Where there's а will, there's а way." "And I am very willing," said Smike. (Dickens)

"lf you wrote at all, it wou1d Ье to give him а hint you'd taken the rue, and wou1d Ье very g1ad to have him now. I be1ieve now he'd rather find that out himse1f. " "But he won't try," said Mary, sighing. "How can he find it out when he's at Halifax?" "If be's а wil1 he's а way, depend upon it. And you wou1d not have him, if he's not а will to you, Mary ! No dear !" (Gaskel[)

Douglas Selby, district attorney, who 1earns quick1y that where there's а will, there are relatives- and murder. (Gardner)